Expression of stress markers in MSM living with HIV receiving contingency management for methamphetamine use disorder (a.k.a "EXPRESS+")
Study Overview
Michael Li, PhD, UCLA Vine Street Clinic, and the UCLA Center for Behavioral and Addiction Medicine are conducting a research study on methamphetamine treatment and its impact on immune function and mental health. This study is being funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), which is part of the National Institutes of Health.
Study Product
It is important to understand whether a patient is feeling better and whether their health is improving as they go through treatment for methamphetamine use disorder. This is especially important in people living with HIV impacted by meth use. This study uses a behavioral treatment called “contingency management”, which motivates and rewards quitting meth. This study will look also at immune markers in the blood to see how the immune system reacts to treatment.
Between 18 and 45 years of age
Sexually active with male partners
HIV positive
Contact and Additional Information
EXPRESS+ is a voluntary UCLA research study by Michael Li, PhD (IRB#20001564).
If you want help for METH use and are living with HIV, SIGN UP NOW!